There’s No Future without Black


People in the spiritual community talk about it all the time, there’s more and more recognition of it every day. Anyone reading this is probably compassionate, empathetic, supportive of the people, and past the differentiation and judgments anyway…

But I feel like it needs to be said again, in another varied way.

Because spiritual, social, economic, racial and psychological liberation are deeply intertwined.

Blackness is an integral part of the New Dawn, the New Earth, the new world we’re working towards. Here’s how and why…

Check Out…

Kemet & the Black Womb of God or Africa’s Nile Valley Civilization, South of Kemet for an ancient-focused perspective.

The Pebbles of Now’s Ripples for a more recent historical account.

Karmic Digestion & Alchemical Humanity for what you can do now.

Afro-Now or Afro-Futurism & Magickal Realism for what’s deeply positive in our current era, and a bunch of inspiring art (fiction, poetry, prose, music).

Kemet & the Black Womb of God

Everything, literally everything, that we’re reinvigorating with belief in movements towards planetary rebirth, in this time of prophecy, was integrated and understood in Kemet (literally translated the Black Land, and the etymological root for both alchemy and chemistry); and the wisdom of those currently called ‘indigenous’. (As if others were not?) And we are all indigenous to this shared Earth. We were all born here, wherever our souls are at the same time as now, and no matter how many or few lives you’ve had here…

It is through respect for the black and brown, remembering our truer sense of Oneness before organized monotheism…that we find our higher selves. Learning from the people inhabiting those bodies, what is recorded in their cellular memory too. We are all here to integrate the vistas of each other. Whatever you are, see it another way…

We find these things within white culture when we forget what came before Empire. Before Feudalism, Rome, Caliphates, Crusades, and forced unification throughout the planet. This neo-ancient wave of movements towards awakening very much depends on the teachings of the Black Mother Land, as much as any “indigenous” people. To be the colonized means to be less distantly removed from the time towards the past when one’s people were truer to Spirit. To not have melded into the shit machine, as a people, for as long as the bodies of the colonizers. Both colonizer bodies and colonized are caged, meant to be freer and containing sacred keys! I merely wish to remind us all that those keys live on in every ‘race’.

Yet, we also recognize that, in this time of razing, this period of chaos, as we plant our seeds for a new kind of harvest, we know what it is we are meant to burn, and what defines the gestating Phoenix. Notions like racism, supremacy and zero-sum wins have no place in our future…

Although, of course, there is also extremely useful and valuable information we can learn from the spiritual core of that which was usurped for use in Empire – the Greek gods, the teachings of Enoch, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad themselves. Their principles and understandings are Golden. We may also engender ourselves to ask, what do we very much need from the souls, culture and lineages of those who passed down those indigenous values and invaluable tools? Culture and people are always changing, never static and always growing. We also all know there’s an integral ingredient that has been forgotten, or at least defied, in imperialist societies…

We are moving past this. We are finding a view beyond duality. We are fusing, alchemizing, black and white, brown and purple, orange and pink, red and blue, into the multidimensional entirely new palette of colors of Gaia herself – a microcosm of All.

To synchronize and actualize we need resonance. We will do so more quickly if we see the truth of the waves currently formed. The more people seeing it, the better to flatten some out and reinforce others…

One of those Phoenix wavelengths is the spiritual essence of the Ancient Nile Valley, widely experienced through Kemet, alive today in Black culture. It is has it all – feminine divinity, animistic nature worship and is in commune with ascended masters. It’s got everything on the checklist… That’s why we’re already reinvigorating it at this very moment.

For people with white skin, this fact also implores us to remember that our universal origins are in Africa (as a species we came from there before white skin developed, even after Atlantis and Lemuria fell, if you believe that sort of thing, it is the Black Land that connects us to all that came before and after). This gives us all a connection to the Blackness of Africa. It does not give us the right to claim the inheritance of bodily legacy, of the struggle of current injustice, nor make Kemet and Africa White in the way we use these words today in wider society.

But, it does offer us a deep kinship, and a direction to actualize modern culture towards, together.

In order to move beyond such definitions, reach infinite plurality, we have to seek empathy for what it means to be the Other within the duality… That is at this very instance not fully overcome. Though, our We-ness is accelerating in growth…

And, of course, such an enlightened community as Kemet or Nok would’ve been above such divisions themselves. Even if I’m hung up on it.

As bright white as the light is when rainbow is combined, it is the creation of the Black Womb of God in the first place. Most of existence is black, the space between, the dark matter. It is the calling card color of Source Herself.

As we download symbols, commune with ascended masters and invoke these ancient principles, we could learn a lot and help a lot by inquiring as to whom this was taught so long ago before we got here… What color our own skin was in our ‘past’ lives in Kemet. And what their torchbearers are experiencing today.

So, what are some core and ascension-geared aspects of Ancient Kemet?

First, an integrative spiritual educational system, including alchemy, science, biology, crystals, herbs, mathematics, astronomy,  ceremony and physio-energetic self-work. Equally if not more important, a receptive, unconditionally loving sense of absolute community with others. 

A belief that the natural order of the universe is an infinite interconnected-ness of interdependent beings, every speck imbued with divine essence.

The treatment of Earth and each other that adheres to this sense of co-autonomy and respect for nature. 

The process of working towards Ascension.

Amazing stuff right? How can we leave this Blackness out of the beautiful palette we’re painting the New Earth with? We can’t.

How do we learn from this?

As for applying the spiritual knowledge, the Pr Ntr Kmt organization, and the Ra Sekhi Arts Temple of Kemetic Reiki, both offer a clear approach and educational book series from actual black people… (I’m being somewhat scarcastic). This vein of teachings is deeply informed by the extensive research of Muata Ashby.

There is also extensive literature from European and cross-cultural groups which incorporates this knowledge – but be wary of contortions and rewritings. The hermetical studies seem to me to remain the closest to Nubian Kemet that I can find. After all, the Emerald Tablets were written by Thoth – who went right to Africa and then (probably, from what we can tell of historical knowledge when it includes this hidden history) took some Africans to the Americas…

Nubian Civilization, South of Kemet

These general principles of HiFi co-autonomy – intricate, intellectual, intimate, healthy and graceful –  are just as important further south, and in fact originated there. Of course there was resonance with Kemet, as everything listed in Blue above was born in the rest of Africa, and then spread to Kemet.

These are additional insights about the lineages there.

Most prominent is Adam’s Calendar, a 200,000+ year old stone circle in Nok, West Africa. 

In Africa, there are many other progeny of Nubia, who hold the keys to the original predecessors of Kemet.

“all of the monuments in Nubia are OLDER than what is in Kemet, you would also learn that the modern state called Nubia is less than one sixth of the Ancient Nubia, the Ancient Nubia stretched from the East coast all the way to Timbuktu in the West and included the input and knowledge of hundreds of tribal cultures”. (From this blog, which is not a definitive source but offers a great starting point for finding search terms to use to learn about this ancient culture.)

Here’s a film about how Africans from all over the continent came together in Kemet to form a multicultural (totally black) civilization, successor to their older, widespread traditions of spiritual heights.

Michael Tellinger’s books and archaeological expo’s share much ancient knowledge about “Southern Africa”. His books African Temples of the Anunnaki and Slave Species of the Gods are focused on this history. You might find the notion of Annunaki ridiculous, or may not think all of them are as bad as Enlil became – whatever your views, he offers extensive archeological evidence of a thriving, widespread tapestry of culture in Africa, long before Kemet.

(Sidenote, for a clear-headed, thoroughly researched and NOT-racist version of this – instead of hearing it from scared racists – check out this series from Matthew LaCroix.)

Here’s an excerpt from Tellinger’s website,

“Long before the Sumerians or Egyptians saw the light of day, an advanced civilisation of humans lived in Southern Africa, mining gold. They left behind more than 10 million stone circle ruins all connected to each other, that make up the largest cluster of stone ruins found anywhere on Earth to date. Their tools and artefacts indicate that they had a deep understanding of sound and resonance and used sound to power their tools and also as a source of energy. They carved the first statue of Horus, the first Sphinx, built the first Pyramids and built an accurate stone calendar right in the heart of it all. Adam’s Calendar is the flagship amongst millions of circular stone ruins, ancient channels, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, mysterious tools and artefacts”.

So what about Now?

For more about spiritual teachings, here are good places to start: Pyramid Code seriesThe Zulu, Swaziland, African American Dreaming or Harriet Tubman & W. African Dreaming. However, these insights and practices haven’t been made as easily available to the general public as that of Kemet – at this point. If you’re not African or Black, until equality and equity is actually achieved (and I believe we’ll get there), rather than appropriate their culture any further than is necessary for us to learn from them, you can just scroll back up and learn from Kemet and its successors.

One source I personally find helpful is the Ubuntu Contributionism literature and book, which are a great source for information about current issues and future living – learning from the mistakes that led the foremost advanced society on the planet to enslavement by other humans, and solutions for replacing it with a truly beneficial economy in which we can all thrive. Tellinger’s book on Contributionism mostly covers the history of debt slavery, with sections about bankers, the debt system, and revealing facts like the Hitler-Bush connection – not directly related to Africa but always following back there. If the book is too depressing for you, just check out the literature on moving forward on the website.

Most importantly, just recognizing the truth of our earliest history and sharing that appreciation for Black culture and Africa with others, helps society change for the better.

Karmic Digestion & Alchemical Humanity

Now for the worst, most disgraceful part. That which goes against grace. Horror, genocide, terror, persecution, poison and murder. It happened, it’s happening, and can’t happen in the new world. It is a sadness to carry no matter how much we learn from it. So what can we do today, right now, to help alchemize, digest and move past the karmic echoes of racial injustice embedded in the matter and energy of this beautiful planet?

Mostly passive and economic, none of these recommendations detract from your life. #4 is a call to action that asks a bit more of you in a personal way, but gives us back even more…

0. Recognize your own tangible power.

As much money and property is held by the 1%, as disparate as the gap is between the bottom and top, when combined, individuals own a third and control half of the wealth in the world! Here’s a TED talk. Please watch this irrefutably inspiring vid before you read on…

1. Check labor injustice at the door.

Make labor practices (not laws) part of your conscious product checklist. When you check for something organic, free of animal testing, natural, made without petrochemicals, or whatever you care about, also check the items were made with fair and dignified labor, and that retailers in “first” world countries pay a fair wage in a dignified environment too!

Here’s a list. of companies that use slavery via prison labor in the US. Don’t buy anything from them or their subdivisions/affiliates. Take your power back through action. You have SO MANY other options.

Also, anything that’s imported from the Caribbean, Central or South America, Africa, Asia or Eastern Europe but owned by someone living in the US/UK/UN Security Council countries is not okay (but handmade imported direct from the local people there is obviously helpful – try Etsy). The workers there need retail price, not the five middle men before you. Every dollar you spend represents a unit of energy moving through the cosmos on the karmic wheel. Share it wisely, be benevolent in your will and actions, and benevolence will ripple out from you.

2. Change banks, which applies to most people at this point in time. 

Ideally for credit unions, but there are banks that work well too. Banks, as you may know, generally lead back to the same organization. However, penalties, mortgage terms and daily operational ethics do differ between different banks and credit unions. While you’re still using money, with a piece going back to the same debt machine, you’re changing how we do things and getting us 1 step closer. Here’s a list of banks. And, a search tool to find an ethical bank near you.

3. Support small businesses.

(Which should also help with #1, but not the same thing). Even white people. Anything that breaks down the economic hierarchy which puts black and brown people on the bottom, helps everyone.

4. Most importantly, if you see something, say something. (I’m taking it back).

Be the eyes and ears of the We. Share your heart and words. If you see someone being discriminated against in a public place or business, or a cop harassing someone, step in and show you’re there watching, (recording is best). Stand up for them if you’re brave enough to mediate. The worst that could happen is what’s already happening to you, in the sense that the person being treated badly is you. Which is the most integral truth of the coming era. Stay cool, in-frontation, involvement, does not have to be confrontation or based on controlling the abuser. Step in, empathize with everyone and heal! Sometimes you being there at that time is that soul asking you for your medicine. (Either the abuser, abused or both). It doesn’t have to be through an email, conference, enlisted service, or planned interaction. It just happens, you’re there, and you’re called to help by their higher self. Alchemy happens in real time.

The Pebbles of Now’s Ripples

In the 1950’s, the Western World saw the first spark of what would become the Next Sun. The first explosion of consciousness, the first breakage of the public cage, since the time when the oppression of the Piscean Sun finally rushed these shores. The first feelings of the Age of Aquarius. (Though it wouldn’t be exactly as they thought it would – way more tech!)

No longer would those who saw and felt the truth feel so alone. (Though the loneliness of Love for All would not yet be dispelled entirely, a camaraderie began to form – communities and coalitions sprang up in declaration, not just in hiding). 

The ignition of our current awakening vessel, of the Earth-human collective consciousness, began by standing together, standing up for Black communities, Asians labeled enemy and brown people inhumanely corralled onto reservations and commercial plantations. Recognizing We are All on the same side.

Just before this era, the question was posed to the imperial system, as it had been a thousand times before, during the Nazi-Induced Holocaust of many subjugated ‘races’, along with the echoes of sorrowful prayers and pain of many colors of injustice of millenia. Once again, the prayers only being partially answered…

The other colors of slaveries, oppression, abuses, attacks of the past and that did come after it, once again , still happening today. Echoing back and forth across to the present. As you probably well know, this pain was not new.. but not our original way either…

We didn’t stop it then, but we put our collective foot on the brake. Now, the proverbial car that is our Society might have to crash first. As it swerves out control, it will seem as though things are getting worse.

But we know we won’t keep going down this road… One way or another… 

It is not our way forward… 

Since it seems, as the experts, wise children and ancient teachings tell us, that we can co-create our reality, I choose to actualize empathy and optimism for our future…

And then during Vietnam and Black Power the question part of it was answered by common culture, (but not yet the prayers); and it hadn’t yet spread far enough, but the fire was well kindled. We recombinated and remembered, mutated and realigned, combined and expanded, and began a gestation…

It was in learning from other cultures and “classes”, and standing for the co-autonomy of We, the recurring I, no matter the individual vessel, during that eco-psychedelic cultural revolution of the mid-20th Gregorian Century Anno Domini, the so called Common Era of Time, that the imperialized cultures began to remember how and why to connect with Mother Earth, and how to treat each other. How to move beyond fighting each other into overcoming together. 

Though the awakening seedling was still young, stifled in the swan song of oppression by the 1980’s, the one we hear ending oh so loudly now, the fire of rebellion wasn’t put out. Nestled in black and brown and bohemian communities, it was spreading.

(While imperialized society was sleeping through materialism and Wars on Everyone… We began waking up…)

Seeds were planted then, the Medicine called in, formats and forms began to be, in the global community and in the black, red, brown and rogue sects of white society (academics and arts), so that today the vast network of awakened black and indigenous community members in this country have already modeled the type of society we’re working so hard to create on a global scale.

But the sorrowful prayer of All I continues, finally growing loud enough to shake the rain from Our leaves and ancestral branches, so they don’t mold over themselves, and this will in turn nourish the drought beneath them in cultures not yet awakened to the nourishing water of We.

It is our Response-ability today, taken on in our agreement to be born now, as a part of God and an extension of all ancestors, to answer the prayers of pain still accumulating every few seconds. Just as our prayers are answered by others.

We’ve got a backlog on the Goddess’ interdimensional BALANCE sheet …

This time of prophecy gives us a monumental chance to heal, powerfully and quickly. 

And now a message from our sponsors – my “inner child”:

One more time with feeling everyone!

We must get this sacred work done.

Take 5 if you need to.

Don’t forget We is You.

Then we can go out and play,

for the rest of the day,

and ever, ever more, I promise you!


This wonderful awakening is already happening. The black community in this country is leading the way on how to structure community. Artists are educators are priestesses are scientists are healers are explorers are mothers are sisters, and none of the roles gets compartmentalized. In perfect flow, the feedback loop of love, light, liberation and awakening flows quickly.

For a great example, check out Climbing PoeTree. I suggest you first listen to their music, their hearts and minds (3 different songs). Their poetry is amazing.

Then check out their community involvement like this one huge thing.

Other examples: AfroPunk – a network, Goddess Alchemy – an artist collective (& their outreach), Africa Unbound – a network/community organization and here’s a Seattle Times article with lists.

If you’re interested in learning more about colonization and decolonization and how to deal with it in the Now, check out these informed and thorough, free to use teaching materials.

Afro-Futurism & Magickal Realism

And now for some fun, fantastical imaginative culture that comes out of all this deeply present and ancient wisdom.

1. First, Black sci-fi!

I cannot summarize with justice, so let me quote you some pieces from a book titled for the genre by Ytasha L. Womack,

“Readers, our future is now. Fortunately, there are guide-posts on this worded journey through the cosmos, key archetypes that anchor the imagination on his spaceship ride dubbed “freedom”: the Dogon’s Sirius star, the fabled mermaid, the sky ark, a DJ scratch that blares like a Miles Davis horn, an ankh, a Yoruba deity, an Egyptian god, a body of water, a dancing robot, and Outkast ATLien. And there’s electricity, lots of electricity, nanotechnology and plants. Someone may shout, “Wake up!” Others will echo chants of hope.

…Call it the power of the subconscious or the predominance of soul culture gone cyberpop but this dance through time travel that Afrofuturists live for is as much about soul retrieval as it is about jettisoning into the far-off future, the uncharted Milky Way, or the depths of the subconscious and imagination.

…Satellite maps don’t work here. You cannot “check in”, although you can click “like”. No hyperlinks. If lost, get down to get up, go up to get down. If you must communicate, invent a communication device with a social media platform, and you’ll be heard.

…Afrofuturism can weave mysticism with its social commentary too…

…Slavery, she said, came first, and racism was created to justify it…

… Now, the [US] Constitution prior to the Thirteenth Amendment didn’t decree that blacks were aliens, or at least it didn’t use those words Those who profited from westward expansion didn’t quit say that people of African descent were rocketed from a distant star, either. However, those invested in this new color-based power imbalance did push literature and fake science deeming people of African decent and browner people in general as hovering on the lower end of the Darwinian scale.” (Womack, Afrofuturism)

So, I say, in this time of remembering our galactic connections, let us remember the ancient and long-lived experience of feeling like an Alien on your own Home Planet… Because that didn’t start with Starseeds, it started with the dehumanization of an ancient and excellent people… Who have always been destined for interdimensional co-creatorship.

For examples of Afrofuturism, check out:

2. Secondly, the genre Magical Realism.

Its origins lie in Latin American culture and resistance in general: “Magical realism is most often used to describe the literary subgenre popularized by Latin American writers in the 1950s such as Jose Martí and Ruben Darío.

…Magical realism implicitly critiques society, and particularly critiques the elite because magical realism often tells the stories of people without wealth instead of focusing on the royalty of a region.. As a genre, magical realism has been used to critique politics from anti-imperialist, Marxist, feminist, and a combination of all three perspectives. What unites these writes politically is that they wrote from the margins of society, outside of the dominant power structures and central cultural centers.” (Vox)

To explain, the genre is defined nicely by Wikipedia:

” while encompassing a range of subtly different concepts, expresses a primarily realistic view of the real world while also adding or revealing magical elements.”

This genre is a vast pool of art and literature that brings the magic back into our notions of reality. Some prominent pieces within are:

  • Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor. One of the most popular examples, that’s absolutely beautiful. It’s been called the “Nigerian Harry Potter”:
    • Blurb: Sunny Nwazue lives in Nigeria, but she was born in New York City. Her features are West African, but she’s albino. She’s a terrific athlete, but can’t go out into the sun to play soccer. There seems to be no place where she fits in. And then she discovers something amazing—she is a “free agent” with latent magical power. And she has a lot of catching up to do.
      Soon she’s part of a quartet of magic students, studying the visible and invisible, learning to change reality. But as she’s finding her footing, Sunny and her friends are asked by the magical authorities to help track down a career criminal who knows magic, too. Will their training be enough to help them combat a threat whose powers greatly outnumber theirs?
  • Zahrah the Windseeker by Nnedi Okorafor. Explanation quoted from Vox:
    • “Penned by Black Panther: Long Live the King’s Nnedi Okorafor, Zahrah the Windseeker takes place in the Ooni Kingdom, a region where children born with vines growing in their hair are considered magical. The novel’s heroine Zahrah Tasmi is one of these children, despite how ordinary she considers herself to be. As time passes and the plants in Zahrah’s hair grow, so do her abilities, which makes her an outsider amongst her peers—save for her best friend Dari. When the two embark on an adventure in the Forbidden Greeny Jungle, Dari is bitten by a deadly snake, forcing Zahrah to embrace what makes her different: her magic. Though aimed at younger readers, Zahrah the Windseeker is an immersive and heartwarming story for people of all ages, celebrating the power of friendship and self-acceptance.”
  • And from this article with a list: The Famished Road by Ben Okri
    • “What is it about the country of Nigeria that produces game-changing authors and pioneers in literature?  Not only is The Famished Road laced with realistic-feeling magical elements, Okri’s writing style is purely enchanting.  The first few chapters of the book are so beautifully written that the novel is spell-binding.  Ben Okri writes like no author I have ever encountered. He’s brilliant, no question, but I’m now convinced there’s wizardry involved!”

3. And here are some completely ecstatic sounds with fractally delicious poetry (music), in a playlist…

And check out my quicker post, This Is Earth, a compilation of This Is America parodies done in earnest, showing us various people’s worlds…


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